Cruise Ship Comparison Tool
Can’t decide between two cruise ships? Our Cruise Ship Comparison Tool will let you see the differences between two ships. We did all the research to make it easy for you. Look at the differences in size, number of guests, types of food, and various activities. We also help you compare how much is included so you know how much you might end up spending on board.
Our Cruise Ship Comparison Tool lets you look at the following:
- Ship size
- Ship age
- Number of guests
- Number of crew
- Dining options and menus
- Includes versus extra fee dining options
- Bars and menus
- Features and ammenities
- Onboard costs like gratuities, drinks, and internet
Choose two ships below to see how they compare to each other.
First ship:
Second ship:

About Cruise Spotlight
Founded in 2020, Cruise Spotlight’s goal is to help people understand every aspect of cruising. Plenty of sites focus on the perfect Instagram pictures and marketing fluff. We focus on what really matters: onboard expenses, tips for cruise ships, detailed cruise reviews, and more. Our goal is to provide helpful, unbiased information to new and established cruisers. Over the years, we’ve helped millions of people get the most from their cruise vacation.
Learn more about Cruise Spotlight.