cruise ship

All about Norwegian's La Cucina Italian

Enjoy traditional Italian cuisine in a cozy atmosphere.

What is the cost to eat at La Cucina Italian?

La Cucina Italian has a' la cart pricing of $9 - $41. Alcoholic drinks and soda cost extra.

What type of restaurant is La Cucina Italian?

La Cucina Italian is a "Sit Down" restaurant. This means you have waiter who will take your order and bring you your food. It usually takes a bit longer than quick serve / to-go establishments, but has a nicer atmosphere.

When is La Cucina Italian open?

They're usually open for dinner. Specific times and schedules may vary, so always check in your cruise schedule or app to see the exact times.

La Cucina Italian Menu

Seen on Norwegian Escape December 2023.

Norwegian La Cucina Italian Menu page 1

La Cucina Italian Dessert Menu

Seen on Norwegian Escape December 2023.

Norwegian La Cucina Italian Dessert Menu page 1

Ships that have La Cucina Italian