All about Carnival's Redfrog Pub & Brewery

Enjoy Caribbean inspired bar snacks while you're relaxing in the Redfrog Pub

What is the cost to eat at Redfrog Pub & Brewery?

Redfrog Pub & Brewery has a' la cart pricing of . Alcoholic drinks and soda cost extra.

What type of restaurant is Redfrog Pub & Brewery?

Redfrog Pub & Brewery is a "Sit Down" restaurant. This means you have waiter who will take your order and bring you your food. It usually takes a bit longer than quick serve / to-go establishments, but has a nicer atmosphere.

When is Redfrog Pub & Brewery open?

They're usually open for . Specific times and schedules may vary, so always check in your cruise schedule or app to see the exact times.

Ships that have Redfrog Pub & Brewery